Baby was born!! Baby William Ray born 3.2 at 1241pm at 7.2 lbs and 20" long with a full head of black furry hair.
None of my kids wanted to come on time according to their "due date." In fact, they didn't want to come early, either. Each one of them I had to be induced or they would cook and cook and cook. I know it is nice and cozy in there, but give me a break! With this baby #3, we expected the same thing and were ready. His due date was scheduled for 3.4.
I began having contractions about 2.25. They were mild, but they were there and I was encouraged. My Mom wanted to be here for the baby and to help us out. We were incredibly excited to have her come and support us. She was due to come in by plane 3.3 but decided with the contractions and all, she would come early. She arrived 3.1. Sure enough, the morning of 3.2 at 7am my water broke. WOW, what a feeling.
I had always wondered what that would be like. Where would I be. What would I do. How would I control (if you can) or clean up (if you can't). Would I have time to. What is the process and how fast is the process afterward. Well, I found out!! I was excited to have this experience and wanted to have it as naturally as possible. With baby #2, I wussed out at 8 cm dialated figuring I would have to rest to push. Little did I know my doc would come in right after I was given the epidural (still at an 8) and have be begin pushing. So much for rest. I lived through it and my labor only lasted 30 mins so I figured if I did it without rest from contractions the last baby, I could do it with this baby. I wanted to prove to myself I COULD! Surprisingly, too, I didn't even think about it once I declined with a "maybe not, we'll see if I chicken out" the first time they asked.
We got to the hospital at about 830am after getting myself and as much as I could anything else squared away before we made the 20 minute drive to the hospital. We checked in and as soon as I got put up in my room, the contractions began. Out of all my other deliveries, this was the best. I think because it was completely natural. I contracted until about 1215pm when the nurse had me begin pushing. It was HARD!! I haven't done anything in my life nearly as hard as this was. I had done it twice before, drugged. Doing it this way was so much WORSE. It wasn't the pain, it was the absence of a KID after all the hard work. I started to panic and Darin started to pass out!! Within a couple pushes he FINALLY came! He looked like a purple Smurf! The encouragement I received from the hospital staff was amazing. It is the only reason I didn't lose it. And now, our latest kid was here.
The first day, Wednesday, 3.2, was very interesting. Our amazing Uncle and Aunt took our kids for us so my Mom could be my coach. (Darin isn't one for surviving or support during the delivery process and that is something I desperately need in order to keep going!!) They picked up Dylan from school and kept the kids that evening until they came to visit. Both Abigail and Dylan didn't want much to do with the baby! Abigail wanted nothing to do with me!! I was very disheartened. I think she had quite a shock and was afraid to hurt me or afraid I was hurt ... her Mom in a hospital bed and who is this little thing everyone wants to hold!? It was a lot for her to process. Dylan ended up with a stomach bug while in the hospital which explains his odd behavior. They had to leave quickly after we realized there was a sick'o among us. Mainly they had to leave to clean poor Dylan up. :(
The next day, Thursday, 3.3 Abigail was so much more interested in me. I felt loved again. She still wasn't sure about the baby as I'm sure you can tell in the picture but she was a trooper. Mom and Abigail stayed with me most of the day while I was in the hospital. Darin was able to take off Wednesday, but had to be to work Thursday. Uncle Bruce got to come visit us the next day, too. That night as we sat down in for our family-hospital-room-picnic dinner, Abigail got the bug and again, Mom and the kids had to leave swiftly from the hospital to clean another poor child up. Dad; however, learned not to take too lightly when the kids say "My tummy hurts!"
The next day, Friday, 3.4, the day we were supposed to arrive at the hospital, we got to leave. We went home and got nestled into our new life with an infant. The below picture was at 1 week. He is now 3 weeks and 2 days old!!
Darin is funny! He did this with Baby #2 and now with Baby #3. When a new baby arrives he seems to require the lowest maintenance look possible. He begins to have cleanliness issues and requires hot showers A LOT. Nothing is wrong with any of this, but I do find the behavior fascinating how such a change manifests in him so physically. So ... Mom's body changed and so did Dad's. Check it out ... it is the shortest his hair has ever been.
And because I like before and after pictures ... here I am at 38 weeks and 4 days (baby came at 38 weeks and 5 days) and at 1.5 weeks after delivery. I remember being a lot bigger with Baby #2 but am glad my body is adapting so well. I still have work to do and can't wait for the 6 week mark so I can start exercising again!!
The healing and recovery was way fast, too!! Again, I think because of all the natural-ness going on. My body didn't have to adapt to foreign chemicals telling it what to do. For our next baby, I will definitely do it naturally ... if I have my awesome nurse with me again, that is! She was fantastic! Helped me through the whole thing. Best hospital, medical care experience I have ever had.
That's so funny about him changing too. Congrats again!
He is adorable. Seeing pictures of him makes me excited for our little guy to come :)
Congratulations guys! Sorry I just barely saw this. Hope everything is going well for you guys.
Congratulations guys! Sorry I just barely saw this. Hope everything is going well for you guys.
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